Glenvista Baptist Church Articles

This page contains articles from various sources. Where the original author is known clear credit is given. In other cases the articles have been put together from a variety of sources. Feel free to share these with others. However, please do not alter the contents of any of the documents without written permission from Glenvista Baptist Church.

These articles are collected here for the purpose of growth in grace and godliness. May they be used of the Lord in this regard.

The Reformed doctrine of predestination – Loraine Boetner

Twelve principles for disagreeing with Other Christians

The inerrancy of the Scriptures

The infallibility of the Scriptures

The sufficiency of the Scriptures

Whose Jesus do you love?

Husbands and dads – three ways we lead in our homes

Two reasons why we never see sin coming

Back to basics – Stuart Olyott

Cessationism: proving charismatic gifts have ceased – Dr Peter Masters, Metropolitan Tabernacle

Homosexuality – Part 1

Homosexuality  Part 2

Homosexuality  Part 3

Homosexuality  Part 4

A comparitive chart between the five points of Arminianism and Calvinism

The covenant of grace

A call for teaching doctrine

A defence of Calvinism  Charles Spurgeon

A question about predestination

A sure guide to Heaven  Joseph Alleine

A treatise on the means of grace  Ligon Duncan

Be nobody’s Valentine

Can a Christian get a tattoo?

Church discipline

God’s absolute sovereignty

God’s providence  Wayne Grudem

Gospel presentation

Halloween and the forces of darkness

How can a good God let bad things happen?

How to respond biblically to the sexually immoral brother in the church

Is forgiveness always right and required?  Justin Taylor

Is Jesus really the only way?

Marvelous things  Charles Spurgeon

Pastor abusers

Perseverance of the saints


Sinners in the hands of an angry God  Jonathan Edwards

Stewardship devotional

The covenant of Abraham

The pastor and criticism  CJ Mahaney

The right to the private interpretation of the Bible  Dr Kevin Roy

The sovereignty of God  John Murray

Theologians on infant salvation

Total depravity

Trusting God’s soverignty even when things do not look good

Warning signs to look out for when calling a potential elder

What happens to infants who die?

Why did God allow polygamy in the Bible?

Why is living together before marriage considered living in sin?

The ascension of Christ  Charles Spurgeon

Don’t waste your life  John Piper