‘Not to us, O Lord, not to us, but to Your name give glory, for the sake of Your steadfast love and Your faithfulness!’

Psalms 115:1
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We are a teaching church.

Our desire as a church is to make God known by the teaching of His Word, through means of systematic expository preaching.

We are a growing church

Our desire as a church is
to grow in grace and knowledge of
our Lord Jesus Christ.

We are a loving church.

Our love for God is demonstrated through our love for each other, and we desire to grow more in our love for God and our neighbor.

We are a discipling church.

Our culture is one of helping each other to grow into the likeness of Christ, by having biblical discipleship at the heart of what we do.


Glenvista Baptist Church is an assembly of disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ that seek to glorify God in all we do (1 Cor 10:31), by our expressing of our love for God, to God and others, by means of worship, caring, discipleship and active service.

We are a Reformed, Evangelical Baptist Church holding to the Doctrines of Grace. The Eldership of the Church, as the ones mainly responsible for Preaching and Teaching, hold to the 1689 London Baptist Confession of Faith.

We meet at 17 Vallot Street, Glenvista Extension 4, Johannesburg. Our service times are 09h00 and 17h30 on Sundays.

Soli Deo gloria! The doctrines of grace

We teach total depravity

that man is totally corrupt in every facet of his being, and utterly incapable of saving himself from sin.

We teach unconditional election

that God chooses to make certain individuals the objects of His unmerited favour, for the sake of His own glory.

We teach limited atonement

Christ’s sacrificial death is sufficient for all who will repent and believe, and that God sets His particular love on His church.

We teach irresistible grace

that salvation is an act of God, and whatever God decrees to happen will inevitably come to pass.

We teach the perseverance of the saints

that our salvation is secured by God, and that genuine born again believers cannot lose their salvation.

God is at work at Glenvista Baptist, and we are truly grateful for all that He is doing. His work is perfect and all His ways are just. Together with the Reformers we can only cry out, Soli Deo gloria – to God alone be all the glory. We can truly say that every good thing in our midst is purely because God has sovereignly out of His own free will chosen to glorify His name and spread His fame among us at a time such as this.

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