As we continue our study on Biblical Church Leadership, having considered The Nature of
the Work of an Elder, as well as The Characteristics of a Man Suitable for the Position of
Elder, we come now to consider the nature of the work of a Deacon, and then Lord willing
in our last exposition, we plan to consider The Characteristics of a Man Suitable for the
Position of Deacon.
The centrality of Christ is the foundation of the Protestant faith. It was the Genevan
Reformer Martin Luther who said that Jesus Christ is the “centre and circumference of the Bible”; meaning that who He is and what He did in His death and resurrection is the fundamental content of Scripture.
What would it take to exponentially increase our efforts to get the Gospel to
every nation? In light of this, I want to consider with you this evening the significance of
the ascension of our Lord Jesus as a major redemptive-historical event and consider
what effect this should have on the Great Commission.
A Biblical perspective on the gift of tongues (Part 2)